Squirrel!!! How to focus in a world of distractions

Let me guess…

You’re trying to focus… trying to get things done…

And yet… this is the dialogue in your head:

I have so much I want to do in my life.”

“I have a massive plan of attack for everything.”

“There’s so much to fix!

“I don’t know where to start!!!

How will I execute?”

And then, the constant doubt, “Will I follow through?”

Maybe you feel like Dug, the dog in the movie UP.

So many options, so many avenues, so many decisions.

Our world is teeming with distractions.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was something that helped you Stop. Pause. Redo?

In a world that is only growing noisier, counting on a system that brings you back to center is only going to prove more and more valuable.

When I created the Living Fully Balanced Process, I wanted a way to get back to center that I could rely on. I wanted a template of sorts, that put up guardrails around my crazy busy life.

This under-the-surface framework allows me to “live my life” without the constraints of stringent rules…without all the “have to’s” and “shoulds”. Yet it gives gentle structure and nudges me in the right direction..

Much like scaffolding in a skyscraper, this Living Fully Balanced Process assures that no matter how “off the rails” my day becomes… I was guaranteed to get back on track.

Here’s how that system looks and how it can work for you:

When you wake up in the morning, look ahead.

ENVISION: Take 5 minutes and conduct a meeting with yourself. Some example questions to ask yourself:

What do I want this day to look like?

Who do I need to be to make this possible?

What needs to be done?

ACT: During your personal meeting, schedule the things you’re envisioning.

Then, as the day winds down, look back and check in with yourself.

ASSESS: Take stock of your day and ask questions like:

What went well today?

What didn’t go as well?

What do I want to continue?

What’s better removed from my schedule?

ADJUST: This is where you make the changes on your schedule or calendar. And this is also where mindset adjustments come to play. Schedule what needs to be done tomorrow. Cancel what is no longer working for you. And plan your next personal meeting.

Maybe this all sounds like too much.

You might be saying, “Lisa. Seriously, my life is already too full. Why would I want to bring in something new?”

Here’s why you need a reliable system that brings you back to center:

  • You’re losing traction everytime you’re distracted.

  • You’re leaking energy trying to remember what’s important.

  • You’re losing yourself in the process of taking care of everyone else.

I don’t want that for you. And, besides… aren’t you tired of being tired?

Want a worksheet that you can customize for your regular meetings with yourself?

Message me or reply to this email, and I’ll send it your way.

Alternatively, feel free to DIY the LFB Process yourself and let me know how it goes.

I am passionate about healing burnout as fast as possible using systems for life design.

I want YOU to live and lead to your highest potential while honoring your health and wellbeing.

And, maybe you already KNOW you’re NOT the DIY type… that your life is flying way too fast for you to try to figure this out on your own.

You can streamline your time and effort by scheduling a time to talk with me.

Here’s to you and your continued traction!

