Are Ants Infesting Your Picnic?

There's this quote from Henry Ford that's become one of my favorites. 

He said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can''re right!"

Our thoughts are powerful, and according to some studies, we have about 70,000 of them a day. 

Interestingly enough we have only two kinds of thoughts: 

Critical Thinking and Circular Thinking. 

Critical thinking is helpful because it leads to a solution. 

Circular thinking goes round and round in a vicious cycle with no end in sight. 

Like being on that hamster wheel. Exhausting!

All of us have gotten caught up in that nasty, energy draining cycle of negative thinking at some point. And for many of us it's automatic. Those thoughts that bounce around in our head, like a pinball machine, giving us nothing but worry, anxiety and headaches, often seem to be the loudest and most frequent thoughts we have. 

Maybe you've heard them referred to as automatic negative thoughts. A.N.T.'s for short. 

And like those pesky little insects, many times those A.N.T. 's come in quietly unnoticed and appear harmless at first... until the sheer amount of them completely upends a perfectly good picnic. 

Have you had days like that? 

At surface level, things are going just fine. Your life looks good to others. YOU even look good... on the outside. But crawling around in your head are those incessant A.N.T.'s, and your perfectly good day is ruined. 

Those negative thoughts squander our energy. 

They diminish our happiness

and ultimately... they can erode our self-worth.

In order to protect our energy, happiness and self-worth, researchers estimate it's necessary to experience 5 positive comments for every 1 negative comment.

And that includes both the outer AND inner dialog we have with ourselves.

If those A.N.T. 's  have a history of sucking the life out of your picnic, I have an extra special way I think I can help you with that this summer. 

Let me introduce you to The Summer of Support.

Imagine by the end of summer having the right tools and strategies designed to specifically help you get off that hamster wheel.

The Summer of Support includes three (3) coaching sessions with me.

PLUS unlimited Voxer access through the summer. Anytime you want, jump on Voxer and we’ll talk. (Or leave a message and I’ll get right back to you.)

Like having your coach in your pocket.

Sound good?

Email me for details and let’s get started today!

Here’s to your carefree, ant-free summer!


Like her clients, Lisa Bobyak works hard at making the best choices, with what she has, where she is. Although she’s not perfectly balanced all of the time, she knows first hand that the right information and support can mean the difference between feeling out of control and feeling healthy, happy and whole. Wish you knew how to get off your hamster wheel? Feel weighed down by oppressive negative self-talk? Ready to trade in your "stress bunny" ways for something that gives you the productivity you need AND the energy you want? Check out the people who took the first step and contacted Lisa, and now are feeling less stressed and more energetic. Want to learn more about her services? Go for it. And when you're ready to talk with Lisa, get on her schedule, and start living fully balanced... because running on empty doesn't have to be your norm.