When It's Not Working Anymore

Have you ever gone through a season of life where… All of a sudden, things that once worked fine just don’t work for you anymore?

Almost like you’ve outgrown the version of yourself you’ve always known, but the “new model” isn’t ready yet?

How do you KNOW that you’ve outgrown your current approach?

You might be getting cranky. Irritated. Angry even —  like an animal that has outgrown her cave. 

But here’s the thing: When you listen to those signals, you’ll find your way.

If you deny your truth, if you settle… eventually, it makes you feel dead. Lifeless. Like you’re a shell of your former self… and you’ll begin to see external manifestations of that inner angst. 

When I was a young mom, that’s what happened to me. I ignored those unsettling signals. And, in short, my health took a hit (I had a stroke) and my marriage ended in divorce. 

Most of us have been trained — by our society, and culture at large — to just “be grateful” for what we have. To leave “good enough” alone.

For some people, maybe that’s fine. 

But for others, like you and me…we’re wired for action and change.

So, our natural default is to work our way out of that funk. 

BUT...I can confidently tell you that the ‘work hard’, ‘achieve more’, ‘give it all you got’ approach that got you to where you are now… WILL NOT get you to where you want to go. 

If you continue to do what you’ve always done, something’s going to give. 

It doesn’t have to be that way.

There IS an approach to life that will allow you to continue to live and lead at our highest potential while honoring your health and wellbeing.

I see it everyday in my work with high achieving women. Once they refine their approach to life, they rest better at night, knowing they spent their time and energy on the people and things that matter most to them.

So, if it’s not working like it once did, and you’re spinning your wheels trying to fix it…

I want to talk with you. 

Leading a full life doesn’t have to feel like a slog. 

-Lisa @ 612-702-9848