3.1415926 is infinite. You know what isn't?

As I write this it’s March 14, 2023.

Happy Pi Day!!

Whether you celebrate March 14th by having a slice of pie at lunch or you pick up pizza on your way home from work...

I want you to remember something.

Pi is infinite. 

Your energy is NOT.

High achieving women everywhere soldier on regardless of the consequences.

I call it the Burnout Cycle. 

And, it often looks like this.

Go Faster. 
Become exhausted, but continue to go hard.
Crash and Burn. 
Rest, forced because of illness or injury. 

Get up, Go Again, renewed resolve not to crash and burn. 
Go Harder. 
Chronic Exhaustion, but soldier on.
Crash and Burn.
Experience Loss, ie. job, marriage, health.

It doesn't have to be this way. 

On Pi Day, I encourage you to celebrate the fact that you are still standing.

You've got infinite possibilities ahead of you. 

And yet, if you don't manage your energy, those possibilities are just pipe dreams. 


Energy is not infinite. 
Our job is to manage it well.


Halt the march.
Come up for air. 
Stop swimming and float.

Your body, your career and your family will thank you. 


And, if you’d like a private conversation with me, please email me at lisa@livingfullybalanced.com.

I've experienced the consequences of soldiering on and I don't want you to pay the price. There's too much at stake to blow this off.


There's a more SUSTAINABLE, MORE POWERFUL way to approach how you live and lead.

Thanks for listening. 

Now, go enjoy your pie! 

P.S. You don't need to live a life of exhaustion and overwhelm. Schedule a Beyond Burnout Kickstart and begin to get back to your best self as quickly as possible.