Looks Like I Hit A Nerve!

The resentment blog I recently wrote has really grown some legs!

I shared it on LinkedIn and it quickly shot to the top as one of my most read and most commented on posts. 

So, I had to ask myself, “Why is RESENTMENT such a popular topic?

Here’s my take on it: 

It’s not that resentment is popular, per se. 

But, it is a silent companion for many of us.

We don’t want to admit it. 

We avoid it. 

And, then it comes out sideways… at the least opportune times. 

Like, at a holiday gathering. Or during a family visit. Or during a corporate meeting. 

At a time when sleep, healthy eating, exercise and healthy mindsets are limited…

And stress, projects, gatherings and alcohol consumption are abundant…

RESENTMENT may be your holiday companion this year. 

And allowing it to sit in the sidecar, will drag your ride.

There are three things I want you to know about resentment:

  • It’s neither good nor bad.

  • It’s common when boundaries are crossed.

  • It’s a signal for us to adjust something.

During a time of year when this silent emotion may make its presence known,


If you’d like details on how you can implement it, when you need it most… let me know. Just email me at Lisa@livingfullybalanced.com.

I’m considering making a video to walk you through the nuts and bolts as well as the nuances in the strategy. 

However, here’s a high level overview so you can begin to get yourself unhooked, when resentment tries to ruin your holiday fun. 

First, COLLECT YOURSELF: You’ve been triggered and you’re in fight/flight mode. Bring yourself back to your best self. 

Second, GET CURIOUS: Rather than reacting, get curious about what you’re feeling and thinking. Use curiosity not judgment.

Third, FEEL YOUR FEELINGS: When you choose to experience your emotions, rather than ignore them, they will move through you. Do the uncomfortable, and actually allow your emotions to bubble up. They will dissipate. 

Fourth, GET REAL: This is where you ask yourself,  “Is what I’m thinking 100% true today?”  What you most likely will find, is that you’ve been holding onto a self limiting belief. 

Here’s the thing: You’ll be able to run through this strategy faster each time you practice it. 

Each time you practice it, you won’t be triggered as deeply. 

AND, over time, you’ll be triggered less and less often.

So, YAY! Just think of the holidays as your baptism by fire. 

With all the opportunities for you to practice managing your resentment this holiday season, you’ll be a master by January!!!

Did you know that the information I write about, I can also help you implement?

Having unresolved emotions is an energy drain. 

This time of year, you need all the energy you can muster.

Looking to shortcut your way through resentment, or any other emotion that feels icky? Let’s talk. 

Resentment doesn’t have to ride shotgun with you this season. 
