How to Run Your Life Like a Boss

Have you ever felt like you’re always working on the same old habit changes?

Over and over and over again?

How many times have you said something like this?

“I really need to get to bed earlier.”

“If I only organized my kitchen, my mornings would be so much better. ”

“I know I’d have more energy if I exercised regularly.”

Here’s a reality check for you.

How’re you doing with your New Year’s resolution? (Do you even remember what your resolution was?)


But, it’s really not your fault.

We’re human, and It’s human nature to take the path of least resistance.

So, when we’re not reminded of the changes we want to make, our default mode is to do what we’ve always done.

You know the saying,

“When you do what you’ve always done,

you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” 

I want to share a highly effective strategy with you. It’s used by top performers and CEO’s to create positive change.

Because the truth is:

Your life IS your business.

So run it like a boss.

Run your life like high performing bosses run their businesses.

And one of the things they do is a regular Quarterly Review.

And we should, too.

To keep ourselves on track and working toward the goals we’ve set for ourselves, we need to practice a regular quarterly review.

Every three months, we can review where we are and compare it to where we want to be.

I schedule quarterly reviews on my calendar and I encourage my coaching clients to do the same.

Here are some of the questions we use to keep moving toward our goals.

  1. Review last quarter goals

  2. What went well? What didn’t go as well as I’d like?

  3. What commitments do I have and are there any that I need to eliminate?

  4. What are my goals for the upcoming quarter and do they align with my yearly goals?

  5. What values do I need to embody so I can achieve my goals?

Click here to receive the exact Quarterly Review Sheet my clients and I use.

Dreaming, vision boarding, goal setting, planning… they’re all helpful.

But, only if we remember them.

To assure our quarterly review (or anything else, for that matter) is effective, we’ve got to schedule it on our calendars and take the time to assess our progress.

Are you a high achiever and you know that managing your energy and focus is key for you to make an impact on the world?

Maybe you’ve been looking for a system where you can incorporate personal AND professional goals, but what you’ve found hasn’t been quite enough.

Inspired by client input and backed by science, I’ve created the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner©.

It’s designed to be your 24/7 life coach that fits in your pocketbook – always ready to challenge you to focus on what is most important, accept your thoughts and ideas without judgment, and prompt you to reflect on your everyday life, while moving your goals forward.

Click here to get your Living Fully Balanced Life Planner©.

Boss’s know: what doesn’t get scheduled, doesn’t get done.

Let’s leverage the fresh energy of spring, and schedule what’s important.

When we practice regular quarterly reviews like a boss,

we can increase our energy and focus

and make that impact on the world,

without losing ourselves in the process.

Lisa Bobyak, Life Balance Consultant, Leadership Coach and founder of Living Fully Balanced™, has been elevating the performance, perspective and peace of mind of high-achieving professionals on the brink of burnout for nearly a decade. Through her Living Fully Balanced™ methodology, she equips her clients with both the self-awareness and planning tools to thrive in our fast-paced, work-driven society. Her inspiring and educational presentations challenge the current hustle culture and offer strategies to prevent burnout and create balance. Lisa is the creator of the transformative  Love Your Life Again program. She’s also authored the ebook, 7 Days to Loving Your Life Again and the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner©.