Resist the urge. Purge instead.

It’s the beginning of Q2, and I’m already feeling behind.

My natural proclivity to push harder and try to “catch up” is rearing its ugly little head and, honestly, it’s ticking me off!

I know better. And yet, there it is… tapping me on the shoulder, like an annoying monkey. “You can do better, Lisa. Do MORE, Lisa.”

When you’re “behind” it’s tempting to add more to the list, skip on sleep and drop the self care you know helps you operate at your best.

Now be honest: How’s that been working for ya?

As brilliant as high achieving women are, we’re pretty dense when it comes to knowing what’s realistic.

So, I decided a little reality check was in order for myself, and I want to encourage you to join me.

Instead of “doing more” in order to catch up, I’m deleting what’s not working well, and choosing to optimize what is.

Just like a master gardener knows that she needs to relentlessly prune in order for full energy and beauty to spring forth in her yard…

We need to resist the urge to add… and purge instead.

When you’re feeling “behind” it’s essential to remember that it’s YOU who created that goal.

The goal was self imposed.

YOU get to assess, adjust and reset it.

That’s not a cop-out.

That’s a valid get-back-on-track strategy. And it works.

So, today, I’m scheduling time to look back on those goals I had in January.

I’ll be celebrating the things I DID.

AND I’ll be celebrating the things I PURGE.

How about you?

Let me know what you're choosing to let go, so that you can optimize what’s already working. I'm so curious what you're purging!!! Just email me at

Cheers to your pruned garden!



P.S. If you’d like a first hand, in person experience of how this process works, I want you to join me for the rescheduled Life Design Retreat on Friday, April 26th.

P.S.S. Just get on my schedule and let’s see if the Life Design Retreat is the right fit for you.