Do you want the GOOD news or the BAD news first?

The good news: Summers Coming!!!

The bad news: Along with it will be the kids and their inordinate amount of events and activities! 

So what’s an already busy mom to do? 

Cross her fingers, plaster on a smile and pray she can survive the summer without permanently psychologically damaging one of the kids?

I’ve used that strategy before. And I’ll save you the time…

Playing ostrich only benefits your future therapist. 

Your relationship with your kids and spouse and most importantly, your relationship with yourself, will suffer if you do nothing to prepare for the incoming change of seasons. 

When my girls were still living at home, I felt happy and carefree at the beginning of the summer. I was willing to do what I could to make the summer memorable and fun for them. 

And yet, over the course of the summer, slowly and sneakily, my eagerness turned to frustration. And by August, my frustration had morphed into resentment. I was short tempered and tense more than I was happy and relaxed. (I’m sorry girls. I know better now.)

Back then, I was the glue that held it all together for my family. I was the organizer of the schedules, the planner of the meals, the keeper of the stories and the healer of the hurts. 

Doing everything for everybody
was plain easier than 
doing even one thing for myself.

I know now, that as leaders of our families, it’s our responsibility to assure that all family members' needs are met, including our own and I now have a strategy for going into any new season or time of life. 

If you’d like to create a summer of ease and fun for your family, and not lose yourself in the process… Enter the Family Meeting.

I know it sounds sterile and sooo not fun. But, I’d like to make a case for The Family Meeting before the summer comes in like a lion.

Summer is notoriously known to have a looser, less structured vibe. We risk losing connection with lack of structure.

We all need to feel connected. And our children need something to rely on. 

And we, as busy moms, need a system we can count on, so we’re NOT the only ones in the family holding all the balls. 

The Family Meeting holds an opportunity for us to create a memorable summer; a summer that provides a solid foundation for the family and a summer that is as fun for you as it is for the rest of your family. 

To get the ins and the outs of creating successful and meaningful family time, just email me and I'll send you my Family Meeting Guide.

This is your permission to add some structure to the beginning of your carefree summer. Consider it scaffolding in which to build your ideal summer around. 

Consistent family meetings will keep your summer from going off the rails. 

Your stress will be significantly reduced, because everyone is on the same page. 

Once you get in the habit of having regular family meetings, you won’t be the keeper of all the things.

And won’t that be delightful? When you’re no longer the only one who keeps the family humming along?

You can be proactive and decide how you’d like your summer to go and I’ll be curious how it goes for you. 

Email me and let me know how things are going or ask me questions.

Here’s to your fun and enjoyable summer ahead. 


P.S. Are you struggling with work life balance? A lot of us are feeling overwhelmed by demands at home and at work. We want more control in how we run our lives, but we don't know where to start. 

P.S.S. I've been where you are, and I can teach you a new approach to life... one that will allow you to be more efficient and productive, and best of all, it's highly sustainable. 

P.S.S.S. Join me at The Summer 2023 Pause Retreat in July, and you'll leave knowing how to live and lead effectively without losing yourself in the process. We will reclaim your time and energy together. If you've got questions, email me and let's talk.