Why You Need To Retreat

The word “retreat” often conjures up images of people sitting in a circle, lotus style. Perhaps they’re outdoors, sitting on their meditation cushions or yoga mats. These people have gotten away from it all. They retreated from life. 

I’d like to challenge this common, one dimensional definition. Retreat, to me, is a return. 

To retreat is to return to oneself. 

In our current world, full of distraction and frenzied activity, we can’t help but be overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s baked into our culture. 

I’ve been burned out before. I know how it affected every area of my life. So that I don't get fried again, I’ve made it a regular practice to retreat. 

Here are 3 reasons you need to retreat, too. 

Reason number one.

State and Space- Your emotional state and your physical space are interconnected.

When you want to change your emotional state, change your physical space. 

We can’t envision different, when we’re sitting in the same.

Reason number two. 

Transformation- I get it. You’re a go-getter and a self starter. And you want to live your best life. You’ve probably taken classes on things like meditation and stress management because you’ve heard they can help with focus. And, if you’re like me, you’ve read many self help books, or even added yoga to your life… because, you know…self care. And, also if you’re like me, you’ve felt the deep sense of disappointment when those things didn't offer you what you were hoping for.

As a life balance and burnout recovery coach, I will always encourage self care, However, here’s what I know about it.

Self care is not the key to sustainable transformation. 

Transformation happens

when you trade in

your default approach to life

for a new perspective. 

Sustainable transformation is possible when you have the necessary perspective.

And that leads me to the third reason you need to retreat. 

You Need Perspective. 

And this is the piece that’s missing in the burnout conversation. 

Your boss is not the problem. 

Your habits are not the problem.

Your stress is not the problem. 

Your lack of time is not the problem. 

The real problem is that you lack the necessary perspective. 

So how do you gain perspective in this always-on world of ours?

Perspective Comes From The Pause. 

Join me and a few other ambitious, high achieving women as we practice living and leading in a sustainable, more effective way. 

The Pause Retreat is a highly customized, luxury retreat in the heart of Stillwater, MN. With three coaching private coaching sessions and post retreat virtual gatherings built in, sustainable transformation will happen. 

If you know you need to retreat, don’t wait. Take advantage of the early bird rate until June 30, 2022. 

Lisa Bobyak is the founder of Living Fully Balanced™and she’s been challenging the current hustle culture and preventing burnout for nearly a decade. 

Because her life once ran on autopilot, Lisa experienced burnout several times and faced life altering challenges as a result.

Now, her mission as a Life Balance and Leadership Coach, is healing burnout and teaching life balance strategies to high achieving women.

Through her Living Fully Balanced™ process, she shows women with full lives, how to regain their energy and increase their capacity so that they can make their mark on the world…without losing themselves in the process. 

Lisa is the creator of the Beyond Burnout Kick Start, the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner© and the semi annual Pause Retreats .