It's All In The Name

“How will you assure that what the retreaters get from The Pause Retreat doesn’t disappear once they get home?”

That’s the question my friend asked me this week and I wanted to share my answer with you.

You can watch me explain it here.

Here’s the common pattern after attending a retreat. 

First: You eagerly attend the retreat and you receive a lot of information.

Second: You’re exposed to A LOT of activities.

And consequently, you’re motivated and excited while you’re there. 

But… When you get home, crap hits the fan and you find out  just how quickly you can revert to autopilot, doing what you’ve always done, feeling disappointed in yourself and needing another vacation from life as you know it. 

UGH! I hate when that happens! 

Because she’s been let down by retreats in the past, my friend asked me if my bi-annual retreat, The Pause, was different. And, I assured her that it was. 

The Pause Assures Sustainable Change.

Here’s the real difference:

Our philosophy is not focused on coach or content, but on the retreater.

  • At The Pause we believe you already have your answers. You just need the space, time and customized questions to help you unearth them.

  • At The Pause we believe the answers can be simple. In this fast paced, knowledge-based era, you don’t need more information or to-do’s. You just need a way to eliminate the distractions and focus on the essential. 

  • At The Pause we believe you know yourself best. With the unrelenting demands and constant asks in your life, you rarely have time to think for yourself, let alone think OF yourself. You need the opportunity for complete autonomy. 

Our model is not focused on activities (the doing) but on opportunities (the being).

At The Pause you will have space. 

You’ll have an abundance of physical space. Our coastal retreat will offer you:

  • over 4,000 square feet of stunningly decorated space

  • 360 degree views of the calm bay

  • Luxury private or double rooms

  • Many cozy nooks for reflection or rest

  • 20 foot ceilings that will encourage you to fully inhale, perhaps for the first time since you can remember. 

At The Pause there are no forced activities. Only optional experiences to enhance your stay are allowed here. There’s no fear of missing out, no little people to take care of and no obligations. This seaside escape is designed so you have the time to think and the space to breathe. 

At The Pause you’ll be guided by an experienced coach. 

Three private, completely customized coaching sessions are included in The Pause Retreat. This is what makes THE DIFFERENCE between a lovely girls getaway, and a life enhancing experience. 

Up to one month before The Pause, you and I will coach around what’s going on for you and what you’d like to get out of the retreat. You’ll leave that session knowing exactly what things you'll be “working” on and what things you’ll be “letting go of”. 

Then during the retreat you and I will meet for a private session to touch base and tweak things as needed. And then, up to one month after the retreat we’ll have a post retreat session, assuring that you’re able to integrate what you’ve learned and that you’re keeping it sustainable. 

We have a Pause Retreat Virtual Reunion. One month after you return home, we’ll gather on Zoom and reconnect. This is a fun way to build in accountability and continue the momentum from The Pause

When added all together, The Pause offers up to 8 weeks of customized coaching, in addition to the actual time at the retreat itself. 

The benefits begin as soon as you register.

Once you’re a client, I’m all in for you.

I’ll be with you, guiding and offering new perspectives by the time you sign up to join us. 

I don’t want you to be left empty and hanging after my retreats, that’s why we give so much care and attention to every detail long before you arrive. 

If you have any questions about The Pause and whether it might be right for you, email me at, and let’s talk.

Or click here to get on my schedule. 

There are still a few spots available left in the house and if this is right for you, I want you to be there.

Here’s to The Pause,






Lisa Bobyak is the founder of Living Fully Balanced™ and she’s been challenging the current hustle culture and preventing burnout for nearly a decade. 

Because her life once ran on autopilot, Lisa experienced burnout several times and faced life altering challenges as a result.

Now, her mission as a Life Balance and Leadership Coach, is healing burnout and teaching life balance strategies to high achieving women.

Through her Living Fully Balanced™ process, she shows women with full lives, how to regain their energy and increase their capacity so that they can make their mark on the world…without losing themselves in the process. 

Lisa is the creator of the Beyond Burnout Kick Start, the Living Fully Balanced Life Planner© and the semi annual Pause Retreats .